globeWe're in it together; all of us in the food industry are making sense of and getting used to the continuing change brought forth by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Now, the process can be even more inclusive. The FDA has launched a "Translations of Key FSMA Resources" site. Various "About" documents and "Rules" are available in several languages including Spanish and numerous others (depending on the document).  You can also check out some key "Speeches and Statements" and a "For Consumers" section.

Obviously, the FSMA truly has a global scope thanks to import standards established for the U.S. Domestically, the documents better represent and speak to the vast array of people and backgrounds that are represented in the total population touched by the Act's reach. You can check out this cadre of resources aimed to meet the increasing demand for background and knowledge about the FSMA amongst a diversity of groups both here and abroad by clicking on this link.