Tag Archives: facility maintenance

Tech Tip: Preventive Maintenance for Insect Electrocutors

FlySetting up a Preventive Maintenance Program for your insect electrocutors is the best way to ensure that your units are working to their full potential. Ideally, you would choose a month each year for your PM program to be done on the units. It is suggested that this is in the beginning of the year or Spring, with a new insect season.

The PM program should include checking the bulbs for their effectiveness, and making sure there are no other issues with the unit. Fluorescent bulbs that are used in insect electrocutors have an effective life span of 7000 hours or about 9 months. For your convenience, all of our Shat-R-Shield® or Insect-O-Cutor® bulbs come with year labels on them. This aids in your PM program as you are able to tell from a distance what year is labeled on the bulb, and whether it is time to be changed.

Even though a bulb may still be lit, does not mean it is attracting insects, so changing out yearly is recommended. For more information, visit our Learning Center.

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